8.0 Untangle Community Webinar
Recorded: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Webinar Registration
Please register to view a recording of our Untangle Community Webinar, in which we review the newly-released Untangle 8.0. This version introduced a long-awaited new app,  Bandwidth Control, which allows administrators to control and monitor bandwidth usage on the network:

-         Prioritize time-critical applications, such as online meetings, webinars or VOIP

-         Prioritize important websites, like salesforce.com or the company website

-         Give different users and/or groups different bandwidth usage rights

-         Track and monitor bandwidth usage and bandwidth abusers

-         Deprioritize unimportant apps and traffic like YouTube, other video or games sites.

-         Limit abusers' bandwidth when using unwanted protocols, like BitTorrent or P2P.

-         Deprioritize certain tasks (like backups and updates) so that they can run at all times without interfering with network operation.

-         Optimize real-time applications like chat, web, Skype, games, etc.

-         Limit hosts to certain hourly/daily/weekly bandwidth quotas

We apologize in advance that our meeting provider, Gotowebinar, only supports Windows and Macintosh systems.  We continue to pressure them to support Linux.

Recorded Thu, Nov 18, 2010
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